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Upgrading or Cancelling Your Subscription

ToonBooth understands that your event planning needs might change, which is why it offers flexible options for upgrading or cancelling your subscription. If you find that you need more features or are hosting more events, upgrading your subscription is a simple process within the app or through the ToonBooth website. Conversely, if you need to cancel your subscription, the process is equally straightforward, ensuring you're not locked into a plan that no longer meets your needs. Throughout any changes to your subscription, ToonBooth's support team is available to assist, ensuring that your transition is smooth and that you continue to enjoy an optimal photo booth experience.

Step 1: Access Your Subscription Settings

  • Open the ToonBooth app on your device. Navigate to the settings or account section where your subscription details are listed.

Step 2: Evaluate Your Needs

  • Before making any changes, assess whether your current subscription aligns with your event planning needs. Decide whether an upgrade with more features or canceling the subscription is the right move for your situation.

Step 3: Upgrading Your Subscription

  • If you're looking to upgrade, select the upgrade option within the app settings. Compare the available plans, focusing on the features and limits that each plan offers.
  • Choose the plan that best suits your increased needs and follow the app's instructions to finalize the upgrade.

Step 4: Cancelling Your Subscription

  • To cancel your subscription, locate the cancel option in your subscription or account settings within the ToonBooth app.
  • Follow the steps provided in the app to initiate the cancellation process. Remember, you'll need to complete the cancellation through the App Store to prevent future billing.
  • Open the App Store, go to your account profile, tap on 'Subscriptions,' then find and select ToonBooth to cancel it.

Step 5: Confirmation

  • Ensure you receive a confirmation notification or email regarding your subscription change, whether it's an upgrade or cancellation.

Step 6: Adjust App Settings After Upgrading

  • If you've upgraded, take some time to explore the new features available to you. Adjust your app settings to leverage these new capabilities for your upcoming events.

Step 7: Data and Preferences Post-Cancellation

  • If you've decided to cancel, remember that you may want to back up any important data or event details from the ToonBooth app before your subscription ends.

Step 8: Contacting Support

  • Should you face any issues or have questions during the upgrade or cancellation process, reach out to ToonBooth's customer support for assistance.

Step 9: Monitoring Your Account

  • After changing your subscription status, keep an eye on your account to ensure the changes have been applied correctly, especially in your next billing cycle.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your ToonBooth subscription, ensuring it aligns with your current event planning requirements and budget, whether that means upgrading for more features or canceling as your needs change.